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These are the variety of experiences that I will be sharing with you , guided with self development tools and resources to elevate your emotional state and gain clarity in some way. In order for this update to fully take place , you are willing and have a choice to make an effort to integrate these new ideas. Life does not change if it does not change, you set that in motion. So lets dive in!


Emotional Guidance 

Restore and heal your life from open wounds and transform the mind and heart to restart the process of self-care. Self-reflective practice, through emotional mastering.



Oracle Card Reading

Spiritual guidance in intuitive messages. A special calling to elevate your thoughts into a connected foundation with self. Connecting to the body and soul to regenerate a healthy home within.

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Reiki light energy integration

​Unlocking the truest desires within your soul, we go through the illumination process. Walking together to express any blocks of emotion to set yourself free from any tangled thoughts or cords connected from keeping you free. Feeling Alive, Wild & Free 

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